The best local players at our side

Nos partenaires
Be Circular
Skyfarms is one of the laureate of the Be Circular call for proposals, which aims to support Brussels’ projects in the circular economy, that are both innovative and abe to create jobs.
Skyfarms is a member of - the network of Brussels’ sustainable construction and renovation actors - because sustainable development is a necessity.
Skyfarms is a member of Beci, also known as Chambre de Commerce & Union des Entreprises de Bruxelles.
Good Food
Skyfarms is one of the Good Food actors involved in building a sustainable food system in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Skyfarms is a member of Brussel’s sustainable food network. We worl together to improve the different steps of the food cycle.
La Pousse qui pousse
« La Pousse qui pousse » is a sustainable plant nursary located in Saint-Gilles. It offers organic plants adapted to the Belgian climate, which were created locally.
Le Début des Haricots
Skyfarms created Wonderlecht, in collaboration with Le début des Haricots, to train people in urban agriculture and to raise environmental awareness.
Cycle en Terre
Cycle en Terre is a Belgian seed producer that grows local and reproducible seeds to rebuild the country’s food autonomy.
Tomato chili
This startup develops 100% recycled greenhouses in Brussels. Skyfarms is involved in the design of greenhouses and the support of growers.
We have been selected to join this acceleration program for sustainable business organised by Impulse.
Circular Academy
Skyfarms was selected to join the Circular Academy organised by Groupe One and Village Partenaire. Circular economy in at the heart of what we do.
Studio Alvin and Pierre-Emmanuel Vandeputte, members of the MAD in Situ help us with our web identity and to design our containers.
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